sejenak kau hadir menemaniku
terasa begitu indah tuk dilukiskan
seberkas bayangmu tercipta di benakku
setelah ku rasakan dalamnya artimu
dalam detik penuh bahagia
tlah kucoba tuk resapi
satu yang terbaik
untuk dirimu kini
sebuah kisah yang tlah kita rajut
terukir untuk kita jaga
dibatas bening jiwa
yang kita cipta bersama
kembali *, reff
This songs for my loveone b4 that I love frm my heart...wishing that her always good n happy with her life right...I always wish n hope to see her again one day...its been a long2 time I never heard any news or msg frm her...even i broken heart...I keep my life moving on....
For this time I a lot busy with my job n with my life coz im trying 2 keep myself busy...when Im not busy...i will be thinking about HER...cant stop thinking about HER.....only God know how i feel n its not easy for me 2 handle my broken heart for longtime...even i get in relationship with other girl...but it not work in the good way..better i be a single person...better that way.
I can wait 4 HER..even take a month or year coz i did this b4...I wont give up in my life...nothing gonna stop me.follow my heart n i will find the way 2 a better place for me 2 give a rest....
THis new Year 2009...im not celebrate this event coz my heart not with me right now...counting the day i be 25...Now am getting old n mature but 2 be fool with my look(youth look).people always say im look young even my age 24.
There will be more update in my blog...SORRY not blogging for A month...hehehehe.
Few pic of me wondering around...