hEHEHEHEHE,i start my life 2day so boring...
ok lah...then evening me go out n hangout at coffee bean alone n i haf pic2 when me lepak2 alone.
Usually when me feel there something missing inside of me...me will wondering alone anywhere n see other people go lepak2 with their own lifes.
Glad that anyone be friend with me are happy with their own life n hope 4ever happy:)
My lifes now is a bit happy...everyday me ThInkIng....sometimes I cant get off THINKING about IT...2 make anyone happy frm our HEART is so precious for me...coz i LOST it ONCE...distance make me hard 2 keep HER happy even me try so hard n keep in touch...Who know our future....
Now i just let flow in my life...I haf intresting job that i want 2 built until higher level...coz i dont haf any diploma or degree like others guy that can impress anyone or their parent.Its so hard 2 heal my HEART now...coz it bleed since the day she walk away frm my life...no words can describe 2 tell how I feel...all I want 2 do things that make happy n cool.
That wont stop me 2 do good deeds in my lifes...coz i haf faith that THERE will be one moment that I will be Happy in my life...
Everyday is new day 4 me...see new people n meet with them...everyone gif positive view about me...its HARd 2 be AHMAD ADZHA...coz i need 2 keep myself 2gether n make anyone that around me happy...
I wish i can make her happy again...its only a WISH frm a far2 away guy.
Hehehehehe,jsut keep myself happy with things n do some workout..need 2 shape n fit.hehehehehe.
Nxt time there will be more...I dont any hard feeling 2 anyone...no need 2 do stupid things coz its make urself in a bad situation...
Believe in urself,be urself....coz it make who U are now:)